
Don on the Air

Don Lyman narrated his first full story segment on the Living On Earth environmental radio program. It will air around the country on National Public Radio this week. Here in the Boston market the show will be on 90.9 FM, WBUR, Sunday 10/16 from 7am to 8am.  If you missed it, check LOE for the cast. 

The segment discusses Blanding’s turtles, considered a threatened species in Massachusetts, and the nonprofit Grassroots Wildlife Conservation is working to protect newly hatched turtles. Don Lyman returns to the nest observed in June with the biologists to find out how many eggs hatched, and help prepare the young turtles for their next adventure in local classrooms.

A baby Blanding’s turtle takes its first swim (Photo: Don Lyman)

A baby Blanding’s turtle takes its first swim (Photo: Don Lyman)